Tag Archive | Amy Rose Davis

Bloodbonded by Amy Rose Davis

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Source: ARC from author
Format: Kindle ebook
Rating: 5 Stars
Reviewer: Laurel

The lion awakens. The mountain bleeds.

After killing the owner of a brutal slave operation and escaping his camp with Connor’s help, Mairead is relieved to be reunited with her beloved and back on course toward her rightful place as Queen of Taura.

But a strange lost tribe from the mountains of Culidar has other plans for her. They claim she is their prophesied Deliverer—the one who will lead them to their inheritance on the plains of Culidar. She is “bloodbonded”—connected to the very soil and spirit of Culidar, destined to lead the lion tribe from its hiding place in the mountains down to the plains.

There’s only one problem: the lions hate the ravenmarked.

The lion tribe has long exiled men who bear the Morrag’s mark, and those men still live on the mountain, waiting for their Deliverer. Mairead is faced with bringing peace between the ravens and the lions, as well as asserting her own role in the tribe. But even as she faces dissent within the tribe, Connor faces a growing madness that threatens to consume him—and prove that the lions have every reason to fear the ravenmarked. Can Mairead bring peace to the tribe, the plains, or even her own beloved?

Set against a backdrop of romance, political instability, and magic, Bloodbonded is the second in a five-book epic fantasy series titled The Taurin Chronicles.

Bloodbonded, the long-awaited sequel to Ravenmarked, book one of the Taurin Chronicles. And the wait was indeed well-rewarded with an excellent page-turner, following the further adventures of Connor and Mairead – and some other old friends as well.

What I liked: First off, simply having this book on-screen to read. And what a treat. This is a long book – and when it comes to epic fantasy, the longer the better, I think. This is a complex story, following multiple threads. Therefore it’s written from several POVs, and one meets many characters and sees many parts of the world Davis has created. These are all good things.

Davis doesn’t just deal with easy topics – difficult topics are not given a whitewash, but are on the page to be seen. Abortion, murder of children, slavery… these are a few of the topics given air, and the characters make their decisions based on who they are and what they care about.

Each of the characters is well-rounded, with their own goals and personalities – and histories. It was really lovely to see how each character developed through the course of this story, and especially to watch Mairead begin to embrace her identity as Queen of Taura.

What didn’t I like: Not much to say here really, except “I want more!” It came to an end all too soon. While there is closure, and this part of the story is finished, I know there’s more to come and I cannot wait for the next instalment!

An excellent instalment to The Taurin Chronicles that lovers of epic fantasy will devour.

Deception at Sea by Amy Rose Davis

5.5"X8.5" Post Card TemplateSource: Own collection
Format: Kindle ebook
Rating: 5 Stars
Reviewer: Laurel

When Ian Mac Roy, third son of the Eiryan king, agrees to escort a foreign ambassador home, he discovers that simple tasks can be the most dangerous. Deception, sabotage, and a brush with a headsman’s ax will not deter Ian from completing his task. The only question is–will he and his charge finish it in one piece?

Deception at Sea is the first novella in a series of sea adventures set in the same world as The Taurin Chronicles.

I first read this story as Amy serialised it on her blog while writing it. The reread of the published version was no less enjoyable. If there’s one thing I love, it is when an author expands on a world they have already written about, and this is what Amy does with Deception at Sea.

Set in the world of The Taurin Chronicles, we meet Ian Mac Roy, an Eiryan prince who has a penchant for the sea. This nautical caper takes the reader to strange lands and provides a glimpse of Connor of Ravenmarked fame. Complete with daggers, beautiful women and dangerous political machinations, one cannot help but keep turning the pages of this remarkable story.

The Accidental Muse by Amy Rose Davis

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Source: Own collection
Format: Kindle ebook
Rating: 5 Stars
Reviewer: Laurel

A girl with no memory, a grieving widower, and a sweet-natured boy with strange power live a quiet life in their sheltered Keep until the night a traveling musician arrives at the door. The power of the musician’s harp threatens to destroy their family unless one of them can stop it. A tale of gods, muses, mysterious spirits, and the power of love.

This short story is extraordinary. Amy’s vivid imagination leaps off the pages (or out of the Kindle, as you like it) and paints a kaleidoscope of images for the reader to revel in. The characters are poignant, and the love that shines through the story is precious and heart-warming.

I thoroughly enjoyed this study of love, and would recommend Amy’s writing to any lover of fantasy.

Servant of Dreams by Amy Rose Davis

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5.5″X8.5″ Post Card Template

Source: Own collection
Format: Kindle ebook
Rating: 5 Stars
Reviewer: Laurel

Orphaned as a young girl, lowlander Miara has worked as a servant for highland nobility her whole life. As a seamstress to the High Lady of Tai Man, she tries to keep her eyes down and her speech respectful. She has no desire to be sent away to a resettlement camp for insolence.

But when High Lady Lu Shi discovers that Miara is a lowland dreamer, she begs Miara to seek a vision of her future. Miara agrees, but the journey to the lowlands brings her face to face with the past she has tried to forget.

If the dreams bring answers the high lady doesn’t like, will Miara suffer for her gift? And can she return to the highlands once her blood has awakened?

A fantastic short story! I absolutely loved this exploration of Miara’s world and her past. As well as that of her future. Vividly penned, Amy barely takes a sentence to drag one willingly from the real world into this world of dreamers, highlanders and lowlanders. It barely takes a moment to read, but the memories will last a lot longer.

Ravenmarked by Amy Rose Davis

Source: Own collection
Format: Kindle ebook
Rating: 5 Stars
Reviewer: Laurel

For one with the ravenmark, there is no balance.

Connor Mac Niall has everything he wants. As the best freelance man-at-arms in the known world, his reputation brings him jobs that provide adventure, women, and money in abundance.

But Connor has a secret: He’s ravenmarked. The avenging spirit of the earth, known as the Morrag, has chosen him to be her angel of death–to kill those she wants killed. Connor has run from her call half his life, and working as a freelance helps him keep the need to kill quelled.

When Connor reluctantly agrees to escort a fleeing royal heir to safety, he has no idea that the journey will bring him face to face with the Morrag–and require that he choose between destiny and freedom. He finds himself confronted with old regrets and new choices. On one side pursued by a sorcerer who wants him dead and on the other side tempted by the Morrag to submit his will to hers, Connor unwittingly escorts his charge right into the path of greatest danger for them both. He faces a choice: Submit his will to the Morrag’s control, or let the royal heir die.

Set against a backdrop of romance, political instability, and magic, Ravenmarked is the first in a five-book epic fantasy series titled The Taurin Chronicles.

Tasked with transporting Mairead, the heir to the Taurin throne, to distant Sveklant by his mother, the Queen Maeve, Connor discovers that this is far more than his usual job. Tracked by a Forbidden, he must come to terms with who and what he is. At the same time, is Braedan, the usurper to the Taurin throne, all that he seems to be at first glance – a callous unbeliever who causes chaos in the realm? Igraine, Princess of Eirya, finally finds a purpose for her life in her appointment as ambassador to the kirok, but is that her ultimate purpose?

Ravenmarked is an easy book to read. Amy Rose Davis draws one into the world she has created, and skilfully shows it to the reader. The characters are all compelling, but don’t make assumptions about any of them.

This book is one of the best high fantasy books I’ve read in years. From the first page to the last one is drawn into the lives of Connor, Mairead, Braedan, Igraine and a host of other characters. I sometimes turned the pages on my kindle too soon in eagerness to read more – and then had to go back to get the full story. I look forward with anticipation to the day I can pick up Bloodbonded and reenter this marvellous world to see what happens next.